Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hole in the Fence (Sunday School Story - 4)

In a small village, a little boy lived with his father and mother. The boy had a very bad temper and got angry very quickly. He yelled at other kids and even his best friends, when he was angry. His bad temper made him use words that hurt others. He would throw tantrums if he can't have his way. His friends and neighbours tried to avoid him. Sometimes, he would apologise to his friends for his temper, other times he didn't bother.
His mother and father were really worried about him and advised him to control his anger and to be gentle and patient. But the boy simply couldn't overcome his anger. Finally, the boy’s father came up with an idea. One day, his father gave him a huge bag of nails. He asked his son to hammer one nail to the fence every time he became angry and lost his temper. The little boy found it amusing and accepted the task.
Every time he lost his temper, he ran to the fence and hammered a nail. His anger drove him to hammer nails on the fence 30 times on the first day! This continued for a few days and it seemed like, soon the fence would be entirely covered by the nails. The little boy found it very difficult to hammer the nails on the fence and decided to control his temper. The boy became desperate to control his anger. After the next few days, the number of nails hammered on the fence was reduced to half.
Gradually, the number of nails hammered to the fence was reduced and the day arrived when no nail was hammered! The boy did not lose his temper at all that day. 
He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. For the next several days, he did not lose his temper, and so did not hammer any nail.

Now, his father told him to remove the nails each time the boy controlled his anger. Several days passed and the boy was able to pull out most of the nails from the fence. The boy told his father about it. The father appreciated the boy and asked him pointing to a hole, “What do you see there?” The boy replied, “a hole in the fence!”
The father told the boy, “The nails were your bad temper and they were hammered on people. You can remove the nails but the holes in the fence will remain. The fence will never look the same. It has scars all over. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. Use words for good purposes. Use them to grow relationships. Use them to show the love and kindness in your heart!”

- Author Unknown

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