Thursday, April 23, 2020

Goldie Bites the Bait (Sunday School Story - 3)

Goldie was a little fish who lived in the great ocean. He loved to swim around and play with his friends from the coral colony. But there were also dangers lurking around the colony, his parents had warned him. He would often find colorful tasty morsels of food dangling inside the ocean. Who could resist those instant joys! But his parents had warned him not to eat that. They told him that they are baits used to catch fish.
One day his parents took him to the shallows, which were close to the seashore. Before them were countless fish, whose jaws were ripped open and bleeding from their mouth. His parents told him that all the fish lying there had tried to eat the tasty food hung from the bait and have ended up that way. Just then, a bird swooped down and started to eat one of the wounded fish. Goldie was scared.

One day as Goldie was playing, he saw a tasty worm dangling just inches away. He did not see how something so delicious could be so dangerous. He wanted to check out whether it was really a bait, because he didn’t want to miss out on that tasty treat. So he swam around a few times and gave a careful look. He could not see any steel or sharp barbed hooks. All he saw was the worm. A prideful thought entered his mind, "Maybe these wounded fish had not been as smart or as fast as I am."

So with one gobble he swallowed the worm. "Why it's not tasty at all. It tastes like plastic!" he thought with horror. Before Goldie could spit out the bait, he felt a sharp pain in his jaw. He felt as though he was being pulled through the water. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was out of the great ocean and in a strange land. Goldie knew that he will not be seeing his parents or his friends ever again.

Dear children! Everyday we face temptations. Satan tries to bait us with sin each day. Disobedience, lies, stealing, bad words, hurting others are the baits used by satan to take us away from God and destroy our lives. So we should be careful and should not yield to his temptations.

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