Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bought with a Price (Sunday School Story - 1)

David was a little boy who lived in a small village. Once his father made a small wooden boat for him to play with. His dad painted the boat with beautiful bright colors and even wrote David’s name on it.
David was excited and he took the boat to a nearby stream to play with it. As he was playing, a sudden strong wind moved the boat away from him and David could not reach it. Slowly, it moved out of his sight. David returned home very sad. His father promised to buy him many other toys, but David wanted his favourite boat back.
Once, David and his dad went to a toy shop and David spotted something familiar on the toy shelf. It was his favorite wooden boat that was placed on the shelf with other toys. David rushed to the shop keeper to explain what happened so that he could take his boat back from the shopkeeper. But much to David’s disappointment, the shop keeper refused to give back the boat saying that he had found the boat floating on a nearby stream and it now belongs to him.
David thought for a moment and then he asked the shop keeper “If I pay you the price, will you give my boat back to me?” The shop keeper agreed to give the boat if he pays the price of the boat. David asked for the price. Because he was desperate to get his boat back, he paid the price immediately. The shopkeeper took the boat and gave it to David. It was one of the most joyful moments for David to have his boat back. He clutched the boat tightly in his hands and took it back home, so that he wouldn't lose it again.
Dear children! In a similar way, God created man with much love in His own image. God gave him everything to lead a happy and healthy life. But deceived by satan, man obeyed satan instead of God and was brought under the control of satan. But God wanted to take us back to himself. So, God came in the form of a human being to this world to pay the price for our sins. The Son of God, Jesus Christ incarnated (means took the form of a human flesh) into this world as a human and gave His own life on the cross as a price to take us back to Him and give us eternal life. If we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and accept him as our saviour, we receive eternal life. Eternal life means living a blessed life with God forever without sin, sickness, fear or death.
Bible Verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3: 16) NIV.

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