Thursday, April 23, 2020

Goldie Bites the Bait (Sunday School Story - 3)

Goldie was a little fish who lived in the great ocean. He loved to swim around and play with his friends from the coral colony. But there were also dangers lurking around the colony, his parents had warned him. He would often find colorful tasty morsels of food dangling inside the ocean. Who could resist those instant joys! But his parents had warned him not to eat that. They told him that they are baits used to catch fish.
One day his parents took him to the shallows, which were close to the seashore. Before them were countless fish, whose jaws were ripped open and bleeding from their mouth. His parents told him that all the fish lying there had tried to eat the tasty food hung from the bait and have ended up that way. Just then, a bird swooped down and started to eat one of the wounded fish. Goldie was scared.

One day as Goldie was playing, he saw a tasty worm dangling just inches away. He did not see how something so delicious could be so dangerous. He wanted to check out whether it was really a bait, because he didn’t want to miss out on that tasty treat. So he swam around a few times and gave a careful look. He could not see any steel or sharp barbed hooks. All he saw was the worm. A prideful thought entered his mind, "Maybe these wounded fish had not been as smart or as fast as I am."

So with one gobble he swallowed the worm. "Why it's not tasty at all. It tastes like plastic!" he thought with horror. Before Goldie could spit out the bait, he felt a sharp pain in his jaw. He felt as though he was being pulled through the water. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was out of the great ocean and in a strange land. Goldie knew that he will not be seeing his parents or his friends ever again.

Dear children! Everyday we face temptations. Satan tries to bait us with sin each day. Disobedience, lies, stealing, bad words, hurting others are the baits used by satan to take us away from God and destroy our lives. So we should be careful and should not yield to his temptations.

Who killed the duck? (Sunday School Story - 2)


John and his sister Sally lived in a city with their parents. They used to visit their grandparents on their farm during the holidays. They enjoyed going there because there were lots of trees to climb and plenty of space to run around. Grandma even had sheep, chickens and a pet duck. The pet duck would follow grandma everywhere just like a puppy.
John loved to play with his slingshot in grandma’s garden. Once when he was playing, the stone from the slingshot hit grandma’s pet duck and killed it immediately. John got scared because grandma loved her pet duck very much. Peter tried to quickly hide the dead duck in the wood pile. When he turned around, he saw his sister Sally watching him. She didn't say anything. Both of them quietly left the place.
After lunch Grandma asked Sally to wash the dishes. But instead of washing the dishes, Sally went to John and told him to wash the dishes. John protested because it was not his turn but she softly whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" John immediately washed the dishes, because he did not want his sister to report him to grandma. 

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper." Sally once again went to John just smiled and whispered, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went fishing and had lot of fun but John had to help grandma make supper. After several days of John doing both his chores and Sally's; he finally couldn't stand it any longer. John decided to confess his mistake to grandma and ask her  to forgive him, instead of putting up with Sally's bullying.

John went to Grandma and told her everything that happened and how he had killed the duck by mistake. John had a big surprise in store. Grandma, instead of being upset with him, gave him a hug and said, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, and I know everything about the duck, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you. John understood that he lost so much of fun at grandma’s house because he thought of hiding his mistakes.

Dear children, we learnt an important lesson from this story that we should not hide our mistakes but we should be honest. Sometimes we try to hide our mistakes because we fear punishment. It leads to more and more trouble as we have to heap lies after lies to cover our mistakes, and in the process end up losing so much of our blessings also. The easiest way out of our problem is to be honest. Sometimes we may receive correction from our parents, teachers or elders for our mistakes but that will eventually make us into a better person in the future.
Bible Verse: Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy (Proverbs 28:13)

(Traditional Sunday School Story)

Bought with a Price (Sunday School Story - 1)

David was a little boy who lived in a small village. Once his father made a small wooden boat for him to play with. His dad painted the boat with beautiful bright colors and even wrote David’s name on it.
David was excited and he took the boat to a nearby stream to play with it. As he was playing, a sudden strong wind moved the boat away from him and David could not reach it. Slowly, it moved out of his sight. David returned home very sad. His father promised to buy him many other toys, but David wanted his favourite boat back.
Once, David and his dad went to a toy shop and David spotted something familiar on the toy shelf. It was his favorite wooden boat that was placed on the shelf with other toys. David rushed to the shop keeper to explain what happened so that he could take his boat back from the shopkeeper. But much to David’s disappointment, the shop keeper refused to give back the boat saying that he had found the boat floating on a nearby stream and it now belongs to him.
David thought for a moment and then he asked the shop keeper “If I pay you the price, will you give my boat back to me?” The shop keeper agreed to give the boat if he pays the price of the boat. David asked for the price. Because he was desperate to get his boat back, he paid the price immediately. The shopkeeper took the boat and gave it to David. It was one of the most joyful moments for David to have his boat back. He clutched the boat tightly in his hands and took it back home, so that he wouldn't lose it again.
Dear children! In a similar way, God created man with much love in His own image. God gave him everything to lead a happy and healthy life. But deceived by satan, man obeyed satan instead of God and was brought under the control of satan. But God wanted to take us back to himself. So, God came in the form of a human being to this world to pay the price for our sins. The Son of God, Jesus Christ incarnated (means took the form of a human flesh) into this world as a human and gave His own life on the cross as a price to take us back to Him and give us eternal life. If we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and accept him as our saviour, we receive eternal life. Eternal life means living a blessed life with God forever without sin, sickness, fear or death.
Bible Verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3: 16) NIV.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Sunday School Activity - 3, Crossword Puzzle - Hagar and Ishmael

(Junior - Lesson 2)

Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.

Follow the link below for the activity

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bible Quiz - 2 (Pentateuch, The first five books of the Holy Bible)

The Pentateuch: Written more than 3,000 years ago, the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy) are called the Pentateuch. The word pentateuch means "five containers," or "five-volumed book." Both Jewish and Christian tradition credit Moses with primary authorship of the Pentateuch. These five books form the theological foundation of the Bible. The following questions have been taken from these five books.

     1.  What did men begin to do when Enosh was born? 
     2.  What is the name of the place where the Israelites camped where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees? 
     3.  “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” – Where does this verse occur in the old testament?
     4.  Why is eating blood of any creature forbidden?
     5.  Whose advice did the Midianite women follow to turn the Israelites away from the Lord at Peor so that a plague struck the Israelites?   
     6.  If a man redeems his tithe how much should he add to it?
     7.  About whom is it written “His eyes were not weak nor his strength gone” when he died at the age of hundred and twenty years?
     8. Who is the father of Casluhites from whom the Philistines came?
     9. Why should the wages of a hired man paid before sunset?
    10. When you plant any kind of fruit tree at which year you may eat its fruit so that your harvest will be increased?
    11.  Who was the young aide who did not leave the tent?
    12. When you are harvesting your field you should leave whatever remains for whom? 
    13. The Israelite children suffered in the desert for forty years because of unfaithfulness – Why did God let them suffer for forty years?
    14. What is the name of the king of Salem who was a priest of God Most High?15. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul – What is the test that is talked about in Deuteronomy?16. Who are detestable to the Egyptians?
     17. Who were consumed by fire when they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord?
     18. Which is the jubilee year that is consecrated to proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants?
     19. What is the name of the place where the anger of the Lord burned against the people while the meat was still between their teeth? 
     20. Whose bones did Moses take along with him when he left Egypt?

Answers (The Pentateuch):
1.    They began to call on the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26).
2.    Elim (Exodus 15:27)
3.    Deuteronomy 8:3
4.    Because the life of every creature is its blood (Leviticus 17:13,14)
5.    Balaam (Numbers 31:15,16).
6.    Fifth of the value (Leviticus 27:31).
7.    Moses (Deuteronomy 34:7)
8.    Mizraim (Genesis 10:13,14).
9.    He may cry to the Lord against you and you will be guilty of sin (Deuteronomy 24:14,15)
10.  Fifth year (Leviticus 19:25)
11.  Joshua son of Nun (Exodus 33:11)
12.  Alien, fatherless and the widow (Deuteronomy 24:19)
13.  One year for each of the forty days they explored the land (Numbers 14:34)
14.  Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18)
15.  Deuteronomy 13:1-3
16.  Shepherds (Genesis 46:34)
17.  Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1)
18.  Fiftieth year (Leviticus 25:10)
19.  Kibroth Hattaavah (Numbers 11:33,34).
20.  Joseph (Exodus 13:19)

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunday School Activity - 2, Anthakshari


Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.
1)   This section is anthakshari type. A word will be given. A song containing that word should be sung. Only two lines should be sung.
2)   Songs sung by one group should not be repeated by another group
3)   There are four rounds in this section also
4)   The songs should be sung within 30 seconds
5)   Each correct song carries 5 marks

Round – 1
 1)   Salvation
 2)   Holiness
 3)   Faithful
 4)   Holy

Round -2
  1)   Shepherd
  2)   King
  3)   Friend
  4)   Soldier

Round – 3

1)  Abraham
2)  Noah
3)  David
4)  Zacchaeus

Round – 4
1) Rock
2) Lamp
3) Oil
4) Gate

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Bible Quiz - 1

Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.

1)     Name the King of Babylon who ate grass for many years?
                                   King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:33)

2)     Who led a rebellion against Moses and was swallowed by the ground?
                                   Korah (Numbers 16:32)

3) To whom did Jesus appear first after his resurrection?
                            Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9)

4) Who is the person mentioned by Isaiah’s prophecy “the voice of one crying in the wilderness”?
                             John the Baptist (Matthew 3:3)


1) Who defeated the Midianites with trumpets, pitchers and lamps?
                             Gideon (Judges 7:19)

2) Who killed thousand Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass?
                             Samson (Judges 15:15)

3) Which King of Judah burnt incense in the altar of God and became a leper?
                             Uzziah (II Chronicles 26:19)

4) Who sold his birthright for a pot of lentils?
                             Esau (Genesis 26:33)


1) Which prophet called down fire from heaven contesting the prophets of Baal?
                             Elijah (I Kings 18:38)

2)  When King Hezekiah was sick unto death, which prophet told him that he was going to die?
                             Isaiah (

3) Which prophet became exceedingly glad of a vine and became angry when it was eaten by a worm?
                             Jonah (Jonah 4:6,9)

4) Which prophet was thrown into a dungeon without water for prophesying against Israel?
                             Jeremiah (Jeremiah 38:6)


1) Who fell into deep sleep when Paul was preaching?
                             Eutychus (Acts 20:9)

2) Which silversmith made silver shrines of Diana and made huge gains?
                             Demetrius (Acts 19:24)

3) Which co-worker of Paul had the unfeigned faith of his mother and grandmother with him?
                             Timothy (II Timothy 1:5)

4) Who took the place of Judas as one of the apostles?
                             Matthias (Acts 1:26)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sunday School Activity - 1, VER(SE)ARCH


Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.
This is a much enjoyable activity for children. Children above 10 years can participate in this activity. Children less than 10 years who can fluently read the Holy Bible can also participate.
  • The person conducting the activity should say the word. 
  • After a word is given 2 - 3 minutes could be given for the children to search their Bible and find the reference verse in which the word occurs
  • If no child is able to find the verse, clues could be given
  • Any child who finds the verse should raise their hand and indicate it, then the child should be asked for the reference verse
  • The first child to find the correct reference for the word is the winner
  • The same method should be repeated for all the words
  • The same activity could be conducted by distributing printed sheets with the words to children also.
Find the verses in which these words occur:                                 
1)    Apes and Peacocks
2)    India
3)    White of an egg
4)    Italy
5)    Butter
6)    Fox
7)    Arabians
8)    Ivory
9)    Ostrich
10)   Spain
11)   Cummin
12)   School
13)   Owl
14)   Spider
15)   Cinnamon
16)   Bracelet
17)   Hen
18)   Mustard
19)   Jupiter
20)   Physician