Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sunday School Activity - 1, VER(SE)ARCH


Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.
This is a much enjoyable activity for children. Children above 10 years can participate in this activity. Children less than 10 years who can fluently read the Holy Bible can also participate.
  • The person conducting the activity should say the word. 
  • After a word is given 2 - 3 minutes could be given for the children to search their Bible and find the reference verse in which the word occurs
  • If no child is able to find the verse, clues could be given
  • Any child who finds the verse should raise their hand and indicate it, then the child should be asked for the reference verse
  • The first child to find the correct reference for the word is the winner
  • The same method should be repeated for all the words
  • The same activity could be conducted by distributing printed sheets with the words to children also.
Find the verses in which these words occur:                                 
1)    Apes and Peacocks
2)    India
3)    White of an egg
4)    Italy
5)    Butter
6)    Fox
7)    Arabians
8)    Ivory
9)    Ostrich
10)   Spain
11)   Cummin
12)   School
13)   Owl
14)   Spider
15)   Cinnamon
16)   Bracelet
17)   Hen
18)   Mustard
19)   Jupiter
20)   Physician

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