Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunday School Activity - 2, Anthakshari


Permission is granted only for free distribution among Sunday School children. No part of this document can be sold or modified or used for any commercial purpose.
1)   This section is anthakshari type. A word will be given. A song containing that word should be sung. Only two lines should be sung.
2)   Songs sung by one group should not be repeated by another group
3)   There are four rounds in this section also
4)   The songs should be sung within 30 seconds
5)   Each correct song carries 5 marks

Round – 1
 1)   Salvation
 2)   Holiness
 3)   Faithful
 4)   Holy

Round -2
  1)   Shepherd
  2)   King
  3)   Friend
  4)   Soldier

Round – 3

1)  Abraham
2)  Noah
3)  David
4)  Zacchaeus

Round – 4
1) Rock
2) Lamp
3) Oil
4) Gate

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